We will give you a series of recommendations on choosing the fitting shirt for each occasion. Learn a little about the origins of this garment, how to select them according to the shape of your body, and the protocol to wear them. Continue reading for more information.

shirt origins

Shirts are garments that have evolved over the years. As we know it now, with a collar, buttons, and various shapes, it appeared between the 19th and 20th centuries.

Before that time, shirts were part of underwear. They used to be soft, and their function was to separate the skin from the fabrics of the other garments that were characterized by being rougher.

In ancient times the designs were simple, and people used to see the neck and sleeves as much as possible. According to old codes of ethics and protocol, men were prevented from removing their jackets because it was synonymous with showing their underwear.

Just as society has evolved, shirts have too. These have diversified in shapes, colors, and styles. These garments are part of the daily life of gentlemen and some ladies who usually wear them with great style.

The fitting shirt for every occasion

Men’s shirts vary by the details of the collar, cuffs, color, and texture. These factors will be decisive in selecting the most suitable one.

It is best to wear a classic dress shirt if the occasion is formal and elegant, such as a wedding ceremony. These are white, pure, and smooth, with long sleeves. The cuffs must be double, in case you want to wear cufflinks. These do not usually have pockets because if you want to use a handkerchief or some adornment, it is better to place them in the jacket pocket.

You can wear prints or more vivid colors if the occasion is informal. You can leave long sleeves for the night. In seasons like summer, short sleeves are best; To wear long sleeves, it is best to wear shirts with the sleeves rolled up.

Shirts must be appropriately selected and fit the man’s body. When you button up your collar, you’ll know the sweater is working for you if you move it at various angles and it doesn’t get too tight.

With your arms outstretched, the cuffs of the sleeves should reach just above your hands. That way, when your arms are crossed, the elbow won’t pull on the fist. If you wear a jacket, the cuffs should protrude at least a couple of centimeters.

Another recommendation for choosing the perfect shirt is that it should be close to the body, but it should not be marked. If all the buttons are a little stretched out when you try them on, it is best to order a size up.

The shirt is too big when it has wrinkles on the sides or the shoulders. If this is your case, it is best to order a smaller size. As well as shirts, you can also learn how to match polo shirts.

Choose the shirt according to your neck.

There are many tips that we can give you to wear a stylish shirt or to buy one. The main one is selecting them according to your type of neck. When you buy one of these garments, you should have a finger inside after fastening the button at the neck.

  • Avoid shirts with very long neck ends if your neck is short. This will make it look like you have a longer neck.
  • If your neck is long, you can wear any shirt except mao. You can also wear bow ties without worry.
  • If your neck is narrow, opt for shirts with collars with separate points, avoid ties and wear bow ties.

Types of Formal Shirt Collars

This is one of the essential elements of a men’s shirt. It is one of its focal points. It is not usually given much attention. However, it must be done. In general, there are seven types of shirt collars.

  • English is one of the most traditional men’s dress shirts; it is usually more closed than the Italian collar. It has a narrow opening; its cut is between formal and discreet. Its tips are also elongated and taller than other types of necks. As it is a thinner neck, ties should not be too broad.
  • Italian: the ends of this type of collar are usually more open, comprehensive, and short. Its advantage is that it looks good with or without ties. If the occasion is formal, you cannot stop wearing your tie. The link takes on more relevance due to the wide separation between the ends.
  • Opera or wings: this particular collar is used only for special events, significant ceremonies, or galas. Its primary purpose is to highlight the bow tie thanks to its shape. When the occasion calls for it, it can be combined with a plastron to reinforce the elegance of this type of shirt.

Casual Shirt Collars

The use of this type of neck is reserved for day-to-day. Depending on the wardrobe combinations you make, they could come to look formal. You can wear some, like the French or the American, with ties.

  • French: it is a standard model but very elegant. Its ends are not usually very open, which gives it a refined touch, ideal to combine with ties if the occasion calls for it. The amplitude of this type of collar usually varies according to the model of the shirt. Sometimes it could look like the English collar, and at other times, its tips are practically horizontal.
  • Americano is used to going to the office because they give it that necessary touch of formality. This type of shirt has buttons at the ends of the shovels. This pair of buttons give them an informal touch so you can wear them relaxed.
  • Mao: it is perfect for shirts you can wear on the beach or enhance your chic boho style. If you want to wear a shirt with this type of collar, you can do it, the best all is that you will not have to wear a tie. It is characterized as a short, open, raised piece with rounded ends. Oriental costumes inspire it. In the case of having a short neck, it is recommended to wear the central opening without a button because it lengthens this part of the body.

Types of shirt cuffs

Just as there are different types of collars, shirt cuffs are also usually varied. These are usually chosen according to the occasion and the man’s body type.

  • Buttoned: they are the most common and are used on informal occasions. There are several types; straight, filed, or curved, with one button or three.
  • French: this one does not have buttons. Instead, it has buttons,holes to place the cufflinks. It has only one buttonhole per cuff, and the finish can also be varied.
  • MilanĂ©s: it is double or with one turn. The buttons can be attached to the cuff on the bottom layer, and on the outside, it has a buttonhole to place the cufflinks.

Choosing the fitting shirt will make your style change ultimately. Reading these recommendations to look appropriate for the occasion is always good. We invite you to read the ten fashion trends for fall.

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